winx-hd-video-converter-deluxe All the ideas and discussions
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be able to validate using the info given but the form will not accept the license you supply.

I downloaded and installed your program. When I tried to validate by entering the code you supplied it did not validate.

Barbara Ianni , 31.10.2010, 14:00
Response from the site administrator
loocan, 03.11.2010
Would you please uninstall it first and then reload it to have one more try?
Besides, please pay attention to the following tips:
1. It is highly recommended to copy and paste code instead of enter it directly. But pay attention that there is no space at the beginning & end of the code.
2. Please pay attention to the hyphen between numbers and the capital letters if you want to enter the code directly.
3. Please run as administrator in case that your account has no permission to write the registry.
4. And non-system partitions like D: / E: / etc, are recommended to install.
Idea status: under consideration


Lisa, 31.10.2010, 15:21
Activation code does not work for me either.
loocan, 03.11.2010, 08:04
Would you please uninstall it first and then reload it to have one more try?
Besides, please pay attention to the following tips:
1. It is highly recommended to copy and paste code instead of enter it directly. But pay attention that there is no space at the beginning & end of the code.
2. Please pay attention to the hyphen between numbers and the capital letters if you want to enter the code directly.
3. Please run as administrator in case that your account has no permission to write the registry.
4. And non-system partitions like D: / E: / etc, are recommended to install.

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